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Notice Of Storage Termination--Hazardous Goods


Date: [Date of notice]

[First Name of person being notified] [Last Name of person being notified]
[Title of person being notified]
[Company of person being notified]
[Address of person being notified]
[City of person being notified], [State of person being notified]
[Zip Code of person being notified]

Dear [Mr./Mrs.] [Last Name of person being notified]:


You are hereby notified of termination of storage and demand is hereby formally made for payment of all charges and removal of the following goods:

Warehouse Date of Receipt Description Quantity
[Warehouse 1 ] [Receipt Date 1] [Description 1] [Quantity 1]
[Warehouse 2 ] [Receipt Date 2] [Description 2] [Quantity 2]
[Warehouse 3 ] [Receipt Date 3] [Description 3] [Quantity 3]

You are advised that these goods are hazardous to other goods, or to the warehouse, or to persons for the following reasons: [Description of reasons]. This condition was not known to us at the time of deposit and it is urgent that storage be terminated and the goods promptly removed.

All charges must be paid and the goods removed from our premises at [Address of our premises] not later than [Grace period to remove goods] days after this notification.

This demand for removal and payment of charges is made pursuant to the emergency provisions for hazardous goods of [Citation of local enactment of UCC $ 7-206(3)]. If the goods are not promptly removed as required by this notice, they will be sold. We are authorized to sell these goods at public or private sale without advertisement. If we are unable to sell the goods after a reasonable effort, we are authorized to dispose of them in any lawful manner and incur no liability by reason of such disposition.

[Signature of warehouseman or authorized agent] Date